Why get eHassle™ website certification seals?

Did you know that in research done by Visa, 83% of new shoppers as well as 61% of current shoppers, want to know that the information they give out will be secure on a website before they will proceed with an online purchase?

That is where the eHassle™ website certification seals come in. They give customers the peace of mind that a third-party has certified the website they are interested in.

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  Security Seal


    Privacy Seal


  Identity Seal


Increase Sales

If you are like many, you probably spend quite a bit of money in advertising your business.

So why wouldn't you spend just a few dollars more to convert more customers into sales?

If you have the traffic and need more conversion, then getting the eHassle™ website certification seals may be exactly what you need.

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In The News

"I would shop online more often if I knew my credit card information was secure."
     - Visa's website courtesy of Visa Research

"After a spate of revelations of major identity-theft cases, 57 percent now express worry that computers and technology are prying into their private lives -- up from 42 percent in 2000 and 38 percent in 1994. Moreover, 72 percent are concerned about the possibility their personal records could be stolen over the Internet."
     - ABC News/Washington Post poll